Hansel and Gretel
The Czech publisher Albatros (Albatros media) will be releasing four board books (in English) in the fairy tale series. The second one is "Hansel and Gretel".
When Hansel and Gretel discovered a house built of gingerbread in the middle of the woods, little did they know what misadventures lie ahead of them…
Ever heard about this classic fairy tale? Read it again in a new, clever format. Page by page, the exciting story will unveil right before your eyes.
Written by Lenka Chytilová
Illustrated by Shunsuke Satake
age 3-5
Illustrated by Shunsuke Satake
age 3-5
Book parameters:
Size 120 x 145 mm | 6 spreads | board book
Size 120 x 145 mm | 6 spreads | board book